
During the project, simultaneous activities in all the partner schools as well as common activities in all the mobilities will be done. The coordinator will be required to facilitate communication across the partnership and make sure that all partners are informed of all the activities, by using e-mail or letters. The schools in the partnership which will host meetings of the partnership will organize activities and associated arrangements during the meetings.

1. Preparing a questionnaire about the subject of the project to common people : All institutions
2. A competition will be organized among the partner schools to produce a logo for the project and web site : All institutions
3. A web site will be set up: Romania (with the contribution of all partner institutions)
4. All schools will be required to submit photographs and pictures that can be used in the web site. The collection and selection of the photograph gallery: Bulgaria
5. All schools will be required to submit information and photographs that introduce European friends that can be used in booklet. Preparing gallery
6. Preparing Power point presentation about Christmas celebration: Lithuania
7. Establishing a Facebook Group to which participants will contribute comments, feedback and share ideas: Slovakia
8. Creation of a map including all the information from all the partners: Poland
9. All schools will be required to submit visual information about specific plants. Preparing a visual dictionary: Portugal
10. Preparing Christmas cards: All institutions
11. Information meeting will be organized to inform local communities about project: All institutions
12. Preparing and sending power point presentations which will include data of each partner institution: All institutions
13. Organizing Comenius weeks and Comenius bulletin boards which will have purpose of disseminating and informing about project activities.
14. A major product of our partnership will be the production of a herbarium: All institutions
15. Preparing a visual calendar which include a specific plant of each country: Spain
16. Technical guidelines, to be shared and followed by Comenius partners preparing herbaria, according with scientific international rules.
17. Planting garden plants: All institutions
18. Preparing an active Blog page which will contain comments and news of project: Turkey
19. Creating a project book which will be sent to each partner institution to publish Turkey
20. Video conference: France


09/2011 Preparation of project website
10/2011 Creation of the common questionnaires
11/2011 Preparation of blog page
12/2011 Preparation of herbarium rooms
12/2011 Finalization and identification of logo competition
12/2011 Production of photographs , articles and films related to Christmas activities
12/2011 Presenting a power point presentation about Christmas and Santa Claus
01/2012 Establishing of the Google group
03/2012 Meeting and giving information about project to local media
04/2012 Finalization of the map which includes all information from the partners
04/2012 Creating a hobby garden
05/2012 Creating a herbal garden
09/2012 Reports of previous year sent to project coordinator
10/2012 Evaluation of the project by all schools at the first meeting
12/2012 Finalization of the calendar
04/2013 Brochure about global warming
04/2013 Final pieces of work for he book sent to Romania and power point presentations,
05/2013 Exhibition of herbarium
05/2013 Edition of the book
05/2013 Printing dictionary
06/2013 Final reports.